Yelling into the Abyss: on Writer's Insecurity
Photo by Adrian Jozefowicz from Pexels "If a tree falls in the forest but no-one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" An age-old quote, with an almost cheesy tinge to it to most who hear it. Interpreted in thousands of different ways. The classical question it raises is whether things exist only when they are perceived. But a much more important question is whether things that happen without a witness truly have meaning. Who cares about a random unknown tree falling in god-knows-where? If it truly was important, more people would care about it. Thus the quote above is important also regarding the meaning and significance of events. And so, we get to writing. Lately I've been feeling somewhat insecure on my own writing, which has affected on the pace - and somewhat the quality - of the work that I've been producing. Of course this is also the sum of many events. I recently switched to another POV in my novel from my main character. My MC is a ch...